Your benefits
The current BIO-PRINT delivers sharp images with a mouse-click. Despite its compact design, it offers a huge door opening, and a stable and solid construction. No switches, no cumbersome fiddling with wet gloves.
The BioVision image acquisition software is easy and intuitive to use.
The 'Image Master' assistant is also included as are the modules for molecular weight analysis, quantification and R(f) analyses and for colony counting. A comprehensive range of tools e.g. for image editing, labeling, cropping, orientation, display are also part of the package. The universal data format ensures the lossless data-exchange to other presentation or analysis software.
- computer based system for documentation of DNA/RNA gels
- CX4 camera, Made in Germany, USB
- 2.0 megapixel resolution, motorized zoom lense
- BioVision software included
- integrated transilluminator
- compact design, solid construction, easy and useful
- gel documentation and nucleic acid fluorescence detection of agarose gels; fluorophores as Ethidiumbromid (EtBr), SYBR® Green, SYBR® Gold, SYBR® Safe, Vista Green, Midori Green, FAM™, Gel Star®, GelRed™, GelGreen™, RedSafe™, Safe-Red™
- protein fluorescence detection in SDS-PAGE gels with fluorophores as SYPRO Ruby™ or Deep Purple™
- detection and documentation of protein gels and membranes stained with Coomassie Blue, Ponceau S, silver
- colorimetric Western Blots detected with BCIP/NBT or TMB