CCD imaging systems for maximum demands on sensitivity and image quality.
No compromise on performance,
smart in details!
The extremely light-sensitive fixed-angle lens V.070 forms the heart of the current FUSION generation. It was particularly developed for the special requirements of BIO imaging, sets standards in terms of image sharpness and quality. Thus it provides the necessary prerequisite for the extreme measurement sensitivity of the overall system.
In conjunction with the optimized HSR measurement technology of our FUSION cameras, this results in a unique combination of linearity, the best signal dynamics and unmatched detection sensitivity.
FUSION SOLO S systems use a semi-automatic measuring process with manual lens. All systems can be upgraded later.
The aquisition control and analysis software EVOLUTION-CAPT impresses with its intuitive user interface. It has been revised completely, thus the smart-imaging concept enables optimized measurements with one mouse click.
The 'Image Master' Assistant ™ creates an objective assessment of the image quality. If desired, the marker can also be overlaid automatically, even in color. The BIO-1D advanced evaluation package enables extensive evaluations and presentation of the measurement data even in 3D data view.
- best signal dynamic, unrivalled sensitivity
- amazingly easy handling concept
- partially automated
- hundreds of scientific publications and references
- motorized filter wheel
- electromagnetic locking system
- GLP documentation
- prepared for CFR 21 part 11
- padbox concept for optional transillumination sources, fully extendable
- several UV and LED transillumination pads available
- flexible configurable imaging platform, modular upgradeable
- upgradeable with epi illumination channels (capsules) in the range of UV and RGB
- Highly sensitive detection of chemiluminescence and western blots with substrates as PURECL™, ECL™, SuperSignal™, Lumi-Phos™, CDP Star™, CSPD™, Atto-Glow™, WesternBreeze™, Novex® AP™, Luminata Classivo Western HRP Substrate™, Western-Bright ECL™, Immobilon Western Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate™, Western-Lightning ECL™
- Protein-fluorescence detection in SDS-PAGE gels with fluorophores as SYPRO Ruby™, DAPI™, Deep Purple™ etc.
- Luciferase assays
- Molecular weight analyses and quantification
- Gel documentation and nucleic acid fluorescence detection of agarose gels with fluorophores as ethidium bromide (EtBr), SYBR Green™, SYBR Gold™,Vista Green™, SYBR Safe™,Midori Green™, FAM™, Gel Star™, GelRed™, GelGreen™, RedSafe™, SafeRed™, PicoGreen™, SafeWhite™
- Detection and documentation of protein gels stained with Coomassie Blue, Poisson, silver
- Imaging, documentation and quantitative analysis of dot blots and microtitration plates
- Colony Counting
(Optional accessories may be required for some applications)